Contemporary art from the private collection of Skúli Gunnlaugsson
Opens June 13 – September 6
The exhibition comprises a diverse range of works from the collection of physician and collector Skúli Gunnlaugsson. The common factor of the pieces is that all were made in the last decade. The artists represented in the exhibition are of the younger generation of artists, who have made their mark on the Icelandic art scene in recent years. The exhibition Zeitgeist takes as its starting-point the artist’s relationship with the culture and zeitgeist of their time, and explores how societal upheavals may be observed through art.
The Zeitgeist exhibition exists in dialogue with the exhibition A Gift to the People of Iceland, which showcased the inaugural gift of art to the Confederation of Labour Art Collection by entrepreneur Ragnar Jónsson í Smára (1904-84), at the LÁ Art Museum in the summer of 2019. The two exhibitions present works from the private collections of art collectors of different generations, and the art displayed may be said to throw light on the zeitgeist of their respective eras. The family roots of both Ragnar Jónsson and Skúli Gunnlaugsson are in the Árnessýsla region of south Iceland, and the two collectors have made an important contribution to educating the Icelandic nation about visual art.
Curator: Vigdís Rún Jónsdóttir
Anna Hrund Másdóttir | Anna Rún Tryggvadóttir | Arna Óttarsdóttir | Auður Lóa Guðnadóttir | Auður Ómarsdóttir | Árni Erlingsson | Ásdís Sif Gunnarsdóttir | Ásgeir Skúlason | Áslaug Íris Friðjónsdóttir | Baldvin Einarsson | Davíð Örn Halldórsson | Egill Sæbjörnsson | Elín Hansdóttir | Emma Heiðarsdóttir | Fritz Hendrik IV | Gabríela Friðriksdóttir | Georg Óskar | Guðmundur Thoroddsen | Halldór Ragnarsson | Helga Páley Friðjónsdóttir | Helgi Þórsson | Hildigunnur Birgisdóttir | Hulda Vilhjálmsdóttir I Ingibjörg Sigurjónsdóttir | Ingunn Fjóla IngÞórsdóttir | Jóhanna Kristbjörg Sigurðardóttir | Katrín Inga Jónsdóttir Hjördísardóttir | Kristín Karólína Helgadóttir | Kristín Morthens | Leifur Ýmir Eyjólfsson | Libia Castro | Lilja Birgisdóttir | Loji Höskuldsson | Magnús Helgason | Margrét Bjarnadóttir | Margrét Blöndal | Matthías R. Sigurðsson | Ólafur Ólafsson | Ragnar Kjartansson | Ragnar Þórisson | Rakel McMahon | Sara Riel | Sigurður Atli Sigurðsson | Sindri Leifsson | Sirra Sigrún Sigurðardóttir | Skarphéðinn Bergþóruson | Snorri Ásmundsson | Steingrímur Gauti Ingólfsson | Sunneva Ása Weisshappel | Una Björg Magnúsdóttir | Þorvaldur Jónssson | Þór Sigurþórsson | Þórdís Aðalsteinsdóttir | Þórdís Erla Zoëga | Þrándur Þórarinsson
Here you can download the catalogue in Pdf. format.
A walk through the exhibition Zeitgeist